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2009-12-08 06:08:59
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blood and vampires

Town Vamp
Made by [Tis gone but never gone]

Welcome to Town Vamp ^vv^

This is a town for vampire and only vampire but something bad has happened the werewolves have moved into the town, now there is a war starting betweem them. They fight every night and day, many vampires and werewolves have died. Could a group of young vampires that are friends with young werewolves stop the fighting? Maybe? Who knows, but they need your help.

Vamps army
Weres army
Young Vamps & Weres rebels

1.No sex on this wiki, please go on Town Vamp R&R room for that but there is a password.Please ask me for it or if I'm not on please just skip time with your characters.
2.No being mean to anyone on this wiki.
3.When you are chanllege to a fight please go on Town Vamp fighting room for that, there is no password for it.
4.Please use proper english, no text talk and don't worry about spelling.
5. You can only have three characters each.
6.If you want to join please send a message to [Tis gone but never gone].

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2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and bit his lip

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor gets out of the car "they where trying to kill sarah and her parents I did my best to not have to kill them and that's when the first dart hit me"

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle frowned but nodded.

Michelle bit her lip and looked at Max.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max got out to.
[night guys I have classes in the moring]

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: [night Max, talk to ya later.]

Michelle got out too.

Elle got out too.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor hugs elle tightly

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle hugs him back.

Michelle puts her arm around Max.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: "Iam sorry but your parents may be dead elle" devor continues to hold elle

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle didn't move.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: "Iam sorry" devor lets go of elle then starts to walk away

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle didn't move and didn't say anything.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor walks back to michelles then goes into his room

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Michelle than thoght of something, "You don't think my dad went do you?"

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looks up at Max,"I don't know, but I hope not."

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max frouned and walked to the house

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle followed him.

Elle followed.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max saw his dad lating on thecouch and miled, "Well looks like he's ok."

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled,"Yep."

Elle nodded.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max turned to Elle, "Umm I'll show you to the guest room." He wraped his arm around Michelle again

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle put her arm around him.

Elle nodded.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max walked upstairs and opened a door, "Here's the guest room."

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor is walking around in his wolf form

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded and walked in and put her bag on the bed, "Thanks."

Michelle watched her.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Welcome, and help your self to any thing."

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"Thanks."

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor walks up to where sarah is working

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah is playing with the children and she laughs at them.

Michelle smiled at Elle.

Elle smiled back a bit.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor walks up and acts like he has an injured paw

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Umm so I guess well leave you."

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah looked at the wolf,"Shit!" she made her lighting sword and raised it,"Meg get the children out of here!" she yell over the screaming children.

Elle nodded.

Michelle bit her lip.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor walks up to a kid and licks his cheek not being threatening in the least

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah grabs Alex and hands him to Meg,"GO!" and she throwed a lighting bolt at the wolf.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: the lightening bolt gets diverted with flames then the devor walks over and licks sarah

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pulls her hand away and swings her sword at the wolf.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max turned to his own room

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle follows.

Elle sighed and sat on the bed. Mom, dad , she thought.

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sat on his bed, "She looked sad."

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: the wolf turns back into devor for an instant to black to the wold after the blade is diverted

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah growled at him,"Are you crazy?"

Michelle sat next to him,"She did."

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor still in wolf form nods as he cuddles close to sarah

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and pulled Michelle to him, "But it seems like it's not just because of what Devor said."

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded and she leaned on him,"Maybe it's the war or something else?"

Elle walked out the house and shifted into her wolf form.

Sarah covered her body in lighting and swang her sword again.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor dose a back flip and starts walking away

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and kissed Michelle, "Maybe."

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled.

Elle in wolf form runs though the wood.

Sarah sighed and went to Meg and the children.

2009-11-02 [bronze dragon]: devor changes back to human form and walks to the front door knocking

2009-11-02 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back and kissed hr neck

2009-11-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled and she closed her eyes.

Sarah and Meg got all the children back into the play area and Sarah anwsered the door,"What are you doing here?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "I wanted to see you sarah" devor is standing at the door

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed,"Well am busy."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "also I wanted to let you know I will be staying at your place for a while"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"Like I care."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]:  devor hugs sarah "sorry about scaring every one earlier"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah growled and pushed him back,"That was you?!"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "who else would walk in and be completely non combative?" devor looks at her

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah growled and closed the door in his face and went to play dolls with Serena.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor knocks again

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah keeps paying dolls with Serena.

Meg anwsers the door,"Hello." she smiled.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "hello my name is devor and I was wondering may I come in?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Meg,"I'm Meg and are you here to pick one ofthe children or here to talk about putting your son or daughter in our care while your at work?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "no I am actually here to talk to some one I consider my friend but she dosen't really seam to like me much" devor smiles

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Meg,"You must mean Sarah but I'm sorry she is working right now."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "well I was wondering if you have a open position. Iam kinda new to town and have absolutely nothing to do. also would like to pay some one back for a gift"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Meg nodded,"Well we are looking for someone but have you worked with children before?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "not really but I can be really cute and cuddly" devor smiles "would you have a problem with a wolf running around?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Meg frowned,"I'm sorry but we don't take were's hear."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks into her eyes as he shows his fangs "sorry to hear that just let sara know I will be in the blue room when she gets home" devor turns to leave

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Meg nodded and closed the door and walked to Sarah,"Someone called Devor, said he will be in the blue room when you get home." she frowned at her.

Sarah sighed and looked at Meg,"So?"

Elle was running though the woods.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor turns back into a wolf and runs off

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle keeps running.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor finds elle and tackles her still in wolf form

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle got tackled and she growled.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor nips her neck gently making sure she picks up his scent

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle stops growling and relaxes.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor turns back to human form "so what you doing here?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shifters back into her human form,"I went out for a run."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: *devor smiles and hugs elle* "you ok?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle hugs him back,"Why would I not be?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "I don't know but you know I will be here for you right"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles slightly then gets up off her sitting down

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle sits down.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "so what have you been thinking about?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle frowned,"My parents."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor puts an arm around elle "Iam sure they will be ok"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle leans on him,"I hope so."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor squeezes elle gently "so how do you feel about vamps?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugs,"There okay, I guess."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "well thats good to hear"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugged.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor has his fangs showing then he takes his arm off elle

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugs again.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "Iam sorry I have to go"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded,"Okay."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor rins back to the day care and knocks on the door

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mini, Meg's twin sister, answers the door,"Hello, can I help you?" she smiled.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor's eyes are turning red "I need sarah"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mini,"I'm sorry but Sarah is working, you'll have to see her when she finshes work."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor's fangs get slightly longer "I need her now or Iam going to lose it"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mini frowned,"I'm sorry but she is working. If it helps she finshes in one hour."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor is panting "I will try to hold out" leaps up onto the roof

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mini nods and closed the door and walks to Sarah,"Ummm....Sarah some guy wanted to talk to you, so he will be waiting until you finsh work."

Sarah shugged.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor waits on the roof as he gets thirstier

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah reads a story to Zack.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor's scen't is blown in the window showing the intensity of his blood lust

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah could smell Devor and she sighed. She said good bye to the children and their parents and started to help clean up.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor drops into the room his eyes completely blood red

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah keeps cleaning.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor walks up to sara "I need a favor from you"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah turns to him,"Why would I do anything for you?" she raised an eyebrow.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more and kissed her neck again

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle moved her head to the side and closed her eyes.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "to stop me from injuring other people" devor moves closer to sarah licking his fangs

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max felt his fangs com out slight but kissed her neck more

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Mmmmmmmm."she smiled.

Sarah,"Why me?"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max lightly bit her

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "your the first blook I tasted that wasn't from an animal and I can't get it out of my mind" devor moves closer to sara taking in her scent

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah frowned,"So?"

Michelle moaned a bit and held his head to her neck. Good job I know how to control this, she thought.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor wraps his arms around sara "its also because my hear aches to be close to you"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max drank closing his eyes

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle moaned more and put her arms around him.

Sarah pushes him away and puts the cleaning stuff away.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max pulled her closer

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor pins sara against the wall "please let me"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah covers her body in lighting,"Let me go."

Michelle gose very willingly.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max pulled away blushing, "I'm sorry, I couldn't I didn't..." He trailed off and looked down

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor is tries to bite sarah's neck and seams to be fighting with himself looking at sara pleadingly

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah growled at him,"Let me go now!"

Michelle blushed and made him look at her,"It's fine, I liked it."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and bit his lip smiling a bit, "Ok if I didn't hurt you."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor is fighting himself then lets go of sara smashing through the wall as he runs out

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed and starts clean the mess he left behind.

Elle still running.

Michelle,"You didn't hurt me. I used my vemon so it wouldn't hurt." but her vemon and's, she thought.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and kissed her again, "OK sorry again I wount do it."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor just deeps runing making a mark every time her turns

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle keeps running.

Michelle,"I don't mind if you do bite me." she blushed.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor runs into elle but just keeps going

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK." He bit his lip and looked down

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle falls back and see Devor running, so she runs after him.

Michelle,"Max was I the first person you've bitten while you've been in human form?"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded looking down more

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor runs even faster then falls over exhausted panting

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle stops by him and licks his face.

Michelle blushed,"Well you where my first bite too, remember." And everything else, she thought.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor wakes up and rolls away fro he his eyes still red "elle get away from me now please"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and smiled, "Oh yeah I forgot."

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle still in wolf form shook her head and sat down next to him.

Michelle smiled," do I teast?"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back, "Better than the deer."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor bares his fangs

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugged.

Michelle blushed and kissed him,"Thanks."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and kissed her back

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "elle please turn into your human form" devor is staring at elle

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle kissed him.

Elle nodded and shifted into her human forn,"So what's wrong with you,huh?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor stares at elle's neck "I am half vamp and I need to feed" looks like he is fighting to control him self

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and leaned to her

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugged and bears her neck to him.

Michelle leans to him.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor pulls elle into him and bites her neck fedding from her

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle moans.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devoe feeds just enough to calm his hunger and back away "Iam sorry"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugged,"It's okay."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor kisses elle's cheek "thank you"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle blushs a bit,"No worries."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor holds elle "I hope I didn't hurt you"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"You didn't hurt me."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "good"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle smiles.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor releases elle

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle looks at him,"Did you get all the blood you need?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her the irises of his eyes still slightly red "I will be fine for now"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded,"Okay."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "so you need any thing?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"Huh?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "are you hungry or something"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"I took down a elk an hour ago, so am good."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and held her closer as he kissed her neck

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "thats good"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded.

Michelle smiled and closed her eyes.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and kissed her neck more moving closer to her so they where both laying on the bed

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles and gets up

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle held him closer and she smiled more.

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"See ya." she shifters back to her wolf form.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back and ran his hands down her~

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle was asleep in his arms.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at elle "there is something I would like to do before I go though but you have to be in your human form"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and nuzzled to her falling asleep

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled in her sleep.

Elle nodded and shifted into her human form,"What?" she stood up.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nuzzled to her

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor takes elle up in his arms and kisses her

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle didn't move for a second but she kissed him back.

Michelle woke up,"Mmmmmmmm."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nizzled closer to her

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor breaks the kiss "sorry I just wanted to try an thank you properly" devor slowly lets go of elle

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle blushed,"I-It's o-okay."

Michelle smiled at Max and she cuddle closer to him.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max nuzzled his head in her neck smiling

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "well I will see you later" devor turns into his bat form and takes off flying back to michelles houes

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded and shifted into her wolf form.

Michelle closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max sleept for a bit and woke up

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle still asleep.

Elle ran back to her pack to see if her parents are alive or...not.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max got up trying not to wake her

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle still asleep but she mubbled a bit.

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her with a raised eyebrow

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle mubbled a bit louder,"No..but.."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max sat next to her with a frown and lisened

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor turns into human form and walks in then heads to the gym to work out

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle mubble more,"Please....don'" she roll on her side.

Sarah walks though the front door and gose to her room.

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